MedWE chipre
Presentamos en la conferencia #Women4Mediterranean de Chipre la iniciativa de empoderamiento de mujeres con la UpM
EuroMeSCo 2024
La principal red de think tanks del espacio euromediterráneo, coordinada por el IEMed, celebra su cita anual en Bruselas.
Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

Seminario Aula Mediterrània 2024

Dos días, una jornada sobre cooperación euromediterránea en educación superior y diez sesiones temáticas sobre migraciones, inteligencia artificial, fondos soberanos en Oriente Medio...
Conference of Mediterranean Central Banks

VIII Conferencia de Bancos Centrales del Mediterráneo

Celebrada en Split (Croacia), la edición tenía como objetivo fortalecer aún más los vínculos entre los bancos centrales de la región mediterránea y discutir estrategias para la estabilidad.
EuroMesCo 2024

Conferencia anual d'EuroMeSCo

La principal xarxa de think tanks de l'espai euromediterrani, coordinada per l'IEMed, ha celebrat la seva cita anual a Brussel·les.
MedWE 2024

Llançament del programa MedWE

Presentem a la conferència #Women4Mediterranean de Xipre el programa conjunt amb la UpM d'empoderament per a dones mediterrànies
Israeli forces withdraw parts of Khan Yunis, destruction revealed

Nou número d'afkar/ideas

La revista aborda les perspectives de pau en el conflicte al Pròxim Orient i les conseqüències geopolítiques i econòmiques per a tota l a regió.
Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

Seminari Aula Mediterrània 2024

Dos dies, una jornada sobre cooperació euromediterrània en educació superior i deu sessions temàtiques sobre migracions, intel·ligència artificial, fons sobirans a l'Orient Mitjà...
Conference of Mediterranean Central Banks

VIII Conferència de Bancs Centrals Mediterranis

Celebrada a Split (Croàcia), l'edició tenia com a objectiu enfortir encara més els vincles entre els bancs centrals de la regió mediterrània i discutir estratègies per a l'estabilitat.
Women Cyprus

Launching of the MedWE programme

At the High-Level UfM Conference on Women for the Mediterranean on 30,31 May in Cyprus
Minority cultural roots in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries
Israeli forces withdraw parts of Khan Yunis, destruction revealed

Latest issue of afkar/ideas

The magazine addresses the prospects for peace in the Middle East conflict and the geopolitical and economic consequences for the entire region.
Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

A two-day event in Barcelona to explore and discuss latest research on Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, education, migrations, artificial intelligence, gender perspectives, narratives...
Minority cultural roots in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries
Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

Conférence anuelle d'EuroMeSCo

Le principal réseau de think tanks de l'espace euro-méditerranéen, coordonné par l'IEMed, a tenu sa réunion annuelle à Bruxelles.
Conference of Mediterranean Central Banks

VIIIe Conférence des Banques Centrales Méditerranéennes

Organisée à Split (Croatie), l'édition visait à renforcer davantage les liens entre les banques centrales de la région méditerranéenne et à discuter des stratégies de stabilité.
CONNEKT's Final Conference

Conférence finale de CONNEKT

Le projet de recherche CONNEKT, financé par l'UE et coordonné par l'IEMed, a présenté ses résultats à Bruxelles.
Mediterranean Day 2023

Journée de la Méditerranée 2023

Concert, ouvert au public, à Barcelone marquant la Journée de la Méditerranée 2023
IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023

IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023

Plus de 50 articles, accompagnés de cartes, tableaux, chronologies... 500 pages de notre publication phare à portée de clic
Aula Mediterrània Seminar 2024

Séminaire Aula Mediterrània 2024

Deux jours, une conférence sur la coopération euro-méditerranéenne dans l'enseignement supérieur et dix sessions thématiques sur les migrations, l'intelligence artificielle, les fonds souverains au Moyen-Orient...
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The leading think-and-do
tank for the Mediterranean

We generate knowledge for action for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Mediterranean where dialogue between cultures is a tangible reality.

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Drug Trafficking in MENA

Drug Trafficking in MENA

The Middle East is experiencing a spike in the production, trafficking and consumption of illicit narcotics, raising risks to governance, rule of law, public health and human security.

3 October 2024
Beyond the Neighbourhood: Africa and Europe in the New Global Geopolitical Order

Beyond the Neighbourhood: Africa and Europe in the New Global Geopolitical Order

African countries are seeking a greater degree of freedom to establish relations that could benefit them with new partners (China, Russia, Brazil and India) but none offers the same advantages as the EU.

13 September 2024
Mare Nostrum: How EU’s Migration Policy Gave Rise to Migration Powers in the Mediterranean

Mare Nostrum: How EU’s Migration Policy Gave Rise to Migration Powers in the Mediterranean

EU feeds short-sighted migration strategies to countries of the southern Mediterranean, with a risk of exacerbating existing dependencies and violations of migrants’ rights in the name of migration control.

13 September 2024

We develop programmes which transform knowledge into action

Aula Mediterrània

We support interdisciplinary academic knowledge and research on Mediterranean issues, attracting talent and generating reflection.

Educating in Diversity

We turn differences into opportunities by promoting intercultural education as a tool for social cohesion and creation of critical and responsible citizens.


We advocate sustainable development in the Mediterranean through research and dialogue to guarantee natural and social welfare of human life .

Media, Democracy and Diversity

We contribute to diverse and plural societies by enhancing quality information and inclusive media narratives

A Sea of Words. The Voice of Youths

We give a voice to young people to promote a change of narratives and contribute to a culture of understanding, peace and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Prevention of Polarisation and Violent Extremism

We help build resilient and inclusive societies, through research and action, that seek to understand factors behind polarisation and violent extremism.




08 Oct 2024
Centre Cultural Casa Elizalde (València, 302. BCN)

The Mediterranean: which myth do we want?

A debate to rethink the Mediterranean imaginary in the face of the current complexity of the world, in the framework of the Biennial of Thought 2024 in Barcelona.

The Mediterranean: which myth do we want?


09 Oct 2024
CaixaForum Macaya, Barcelona

Recognizing and Upholding Nature’s Rights

We regret to inform you that the scheduled lecture by Teresa Vicente has been canceled. Unfortunately, the speaker is unable to attend.

Recognizing and Upholding Nature’s Rights


15 Oct 2024

International migrations and the construction of the Mediterranean

Opening conference of the Aula Mediterrània 2024-2025 conference series with Virginie Baby-Collin, Professor of Geography, Aix Marseille Université.

International migrations and the construction of the Mediterranean