

Euromed Conference


Conference of Mediterranean Central Banks

Conference of Mediterranean Central Banks

Held in Split (Croatia), the 8º edition was aimed at further strengthening links between Central Banks from the Mediterranean region in these turbulent times.


Euromed Conference


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The leading think-and-do
tank for the Mediterranean

We generate knowledge for action for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Mediterranean where dialogue between cultures is a tangible reality.

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Judíos árabes: entre historia de una vida en común y rupturas traumáticas

Judíos árabes: entre historia de una vida en común y rupturas traumáticas

El término judeo-árabe se refiere a las comunidades judías que poblaron los diversos espacios árabes durante siglos. Hoy en día, estas regiones ya no cuentan con dichas comunidades. Se trata, sin duda, de la extinción de una presencia muy antig...

19 December 2024
Una relación entre lugar y lengua: judíos que escriben en árabe

Una relación entre lugar y lengua: judíos que escriben en árabe

La relación entre espacio y lengua es fundamental para entender la producción literaria no solo de los escritores judíos árabes en Israel, sino también las obras que los judíos han escrito en los países árabes durante siglos.

19 December 2024
Las comunidades judías en Irán

Las comunidades judías en Irán

La segunda mitad del siglo XX trajo una transformación sin precedentes para los judíos de Irán. En cinco décadas, pasaron de estar en los márgenes de la sociedad iraní a formar parte del núcleo del proyecto de construcción nacional del Mohamm...

19 December 2024

We develop programmes which transform knowledge into action

Aula Mediterrània

We support interdisciplinary academic knowledge and research on Mediterranean issues, attracting talent and generating reflection.

Educating in Diversity

We turn differences into opportunities by promoting intercultural education as a tool for social cohesion and creation of critical and responsible citizens.


We advocate sustainable development in the Mediterranean through research and dialogue to guarantee natural and social welfare of human life .

Media, Democracy and Diversity

We contribute to diverse and plural societies by enhancing quality information and inclusive media narratives

A Sea of Words. The Voice of Youths

We give a voice to young people to promote a change of narratives and contribute to a culture of understanding, peace and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Prevention of Polarisation and Violent Extremism

We help build resilient and inclusive societies, through research and action, that seek to understand factors behind polarisation and violent extremism.




16 Jan 2025

Palestine through Visual Arts: An Artistic First-Person Experience

Conference of the Aula Mediterrània 2024-2025 conference series with Samira Badran, Palestinian visual artist.

Palestine through Visual Arts: An Artistic First-Person Experience


03 Feb 2025
Fundación Tres Culturas (Sevilla)


20 Feb 2025

EMGN 5th Annual Conference: Expanding Financial Horizons: Mainstreaming Credit Guarantees for Mediterranean SMEs

EMGN (the Euro-Mediterranean Guarantee Network) organises in Rabat its fifth annual conference.

EMGN 5th Annual Conference: Expanding Financial Horizons: Mainstreaming Credit Guarantees for Mediterranean SMEs